We Are Coming
Who We Are
We promote the healing of people and the planet through walking.
We Walk
Walking moves energy in our bodies and across the terrain we walk on.
We Walk in Purpose
Set an intention by picking a word(s) that you want to feel more of and start walking to unlock the energy. Sending the movement of our energy in a direction by setting intentions raises the vibration level in us and around us.
We are a movement
OneWalk is a community that knows we can fill ourselves and blanket the planet with positive energy. We are the change. Every great event in the world has started with a walk. When humanity first stood up, it walked. When Ghandi changed history by making salt on the beach at DDhandi, he didn’t drive the 200 miles, he walked. MLK walked hte bridge at Selma. Neil Armstrong’s giant leap for mankind was ignited by a single step. We walk down the aisle to make our sacred expression of love. We don’t commemorate our first sit, we commemorate our first walk. For some reason, the universe designed it such that there is nothing better we can do for ourselves, on every level, than to walk. We were born to walk. So the greatest event that starts with a walk is the choosing of your own wellbeing, our own self, our own new life. Let’s walk our world into a better place.
It’s Simple
Move Energy
Declare Intention
Be the Change
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